
O inicio de Sonia

Era dia 8 de fevereiro quando Anna Nicole Smith morreu. É fato que a caipira é pouco conhecida no Brasil logo, mesmo após sua morte, era difícil encontrar informações sobre essa texana, viúva de um bilionário do petróleo, sempre envolvida em escândalos. Foi quando dias após sua morte que jogo seu nome do Google e lá encontro um blog criado muito recentemente com o título de “o papel é pobre mas é limpinho”, sob o domínio de papelpobre.blogspot. A personagem do blog era “Sônia Abraham” mas era visivelmente claro que a dupla de cariocas “Daniel” e “Mariana” assinavam os posts. Posteriormente eles se identificariam como “Sônia Abraham #1” e “Sônia Abraham #2”.

De certo o título “Papel Pobre” é uma paródia ao blog “Papel Pop” do jornalista e editor do site da Revista Capricho, Phelipe Cruz. Contudo, a semelhança pára por aí: o conteúdo entre os dois blogs é gritante (numa entrevista, a futura persona do Papel Pobre chegaria mesmo a dizer que “ele [Phelipe] faz questão de ter conteúdo enquanto nós não”) e a linha seguida se aproxima muito mais do site Perez Hilton, que segue o estilo do tablóide inglês dedicado aos astros norte-americanos, com fotos que levam comentários e desenhos toscos feitos no Paint. Do Papel Pop a única paródia teria sido as fotos-novela que eram feitas no início.

Numa sociedade dedica ao culto à celebridade, vê-las mais humanas é deveras excitante – se existe algo de deliciosamente malicioso ao falar mal do colega de trabalho, o que dirá de celebridades que não possuem fundo artístico (e até mesmo aquelas que são excessivamente artísticas). Se Perez Hilton experimentava sua “subida social” na internet, Big Brother Brasil, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears e seu constante uso de drogas propiciaram um ótimo ambiente para que Sônia Abraham expandisse seu conteúdo e originasse uma nova personagem.

68 comentários:

Giselle Gray disse...

Campanha Volte Diva Katy!



Anônimo disse...

Volta Katy. Vcs são melhores que aquele Papel morno!


Lorenna Montenegro disse...

buááá quero tia katy di vorta

Anônimo disse...

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Anônimo disse...

I wish you health and happiness every day!
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Anônimo disse...

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Anônimo disse...

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Dalai Lama's public trip from August 31 to September 2. Dalai Lama plans on the 30th night entry from Taoyuan International Airport, 31 Chinese and foreign journalists will be held the morning, afternoon, and visits prospecting disaster victims, on the 1st of the trip was a public speech and the victims of the village, a modern place in Kaohsiung City Comprehensive Stadium, 2 No. Han God Dome Banquet Hall with Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi of the talk.

Anônimo disse...

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Anônimo disse...

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Anônimo disse...

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Anônimo disse...



Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...


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If that you are a single guy and aren't the most appropriate at obtaining a whole lot much less meeting women and are wondering in which you would possibly go to uncover and come in contact with a girl, then these ten acceptable recommendations on how to meet a girlfriend on the local mall, should certainly come in mighty handy.

1 - Go into the meals court. Believe it or not, the meals court will be absolute ideal destination with the local mall to fulfill a lady. Here's what you do. Choose a foods destination and get in line for your meal. Whereas you should be in line, look and feel all-around the location where exactly everybody is sitting down and eating. Appearance for any chick sitting down alone, as well as two women sitting down together. When you may have your meal in hand, walk above to somewhere she or they're just sitting and question if you may join them. If you are honest and straightforward with them, your odds are rather good.

2- Do some contemplating. Ahead of you even take into account planning towards the local mall to meet a girl, sit your own self down and do some serious pondering. Check out how you could possibly match a young lady and what you may say to her if you happen to be productive. Look at which components associated with the shopping mall you'd go to. Also, you're likely to will need to invest in some thing while there, what do you may need? As a final point, mull over what meeting a girl in a public place entails. Unquestionably you'll have got to glance for the wedding ring prior to speaking with a gal, and you might have to think if it's wiser to speak to a woman alone or one who's with others. Last but not least, you will have to become sensible about your personal age and also ages of the young girl you would like to satisfy. As in, you can should inform your self to get sensible and don't check out to meet ladies that happen to be a lot of younger or older than you are usually, or that seem to be out of your league.

3 - Request enable. The moment that you're eventually at the shopping mall, a person of a procedures to meet ladies is by asking them for guidance. Females understand that men have no notion what they're undertaking once they are purchasing, so asking for advice will not seem this kind of a ridiculous approach. Ask for help in picking out a jacket for oneself as an example. Carrying out so let's the woman know that you are single. If she agrees to help you, find out her other queries as you grab diverse jackets to check out on.

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